
Are you risk averse - or a risk taker?

The term “risk” is generally presented as negative, as in potentially causing harm or damage. However, I think that risk is the very reason for my resilience.

As those who have studied trauma informed methodology already know, humans have the ability to impact their own physiological resilience by accessing tools that help regulate the nervous system - such as movement, breathing and mindfulness techniques. 

While tools alone allow individuals to return to their natural state of equilibrium, they don’t necessarily increase their resilience (unless practiced over time, best alongside a counselor, somatics therapist or yoga therapist). 

Rather, increased resilience is a result of exposure to healthy risk. 

Of course, safety of oneself and others distinguishes healthy risks from unhealthy risks.

As a young one, the risks I took ultimately supported my growth and development.

Taking risks meant going away to school. Moving to Los Angeles. Leaving corporate america. Owning a business. Living in places I knew would challenge me. Traveling to places I knew would challenge me. Speaking my mind, even when it was difficult. Advocating for my needs, even when it was uncomfortable.

Exploring and growing in my own experience required taking risks.

But still, the nervous system registers each step outside our comfort zone as a potential threat, a challenge, a foundational risk.  

By rationalizing my fear (there is no “real” imminent threat here) and cultivating self-compassion, risk taking became tolerable and even, a way of life. 

To take a risk is to face a challenge and learn to be okay in circumstances previously considered uncomfortable or overwhelming. 

Just remember: Failure is as inevitable as success.

Both are required, if we’re living in our fullest expression.

At first small risks, like going to the city for a day long adventures. Taking a class in something new. Inviting a new friend or acquaintance to coffee.

Then bigger risks, like travel to a foreign country or applying for a competitive job which previously felt out of reach. 

Building risk tolerance is a superpower. 

Through discomfort comes the ability to find and stay in our “okayness” even and especially in circumstances we might have previously found (or currently find) challenging. 

Risk is a superpower.

Taking thoughtful risks that align with our goals and values, and challenge our boundaries of what is “comfortable” is a path toward growth and our highest Self.

Consider the risks you’ve taken in the past, whether you determined the outcome was perceptually “good” or “bad” in the end.

• What did you learn?

• Do you feel more prepared to take on the same or similar challenges in future?

• Can you attribute success to the cultivation of growth moments, rather than reaching the desired outcome?

I invite you to consider new ways to step outside your comfort zone that might feel “risky” - and consider it an opportunity to learn, growth and increase resilience. Don’t forget your tools (breathing, movement, mindfulness and your own) when things get uncomfy.

I’d love to hear your stories of growth and risk taking. Feel free to reply and share!


In Yoga,
