I DID IT! I'm a Yoga Teacher!

By: Evelyn Aragon, RYT 200

I have been practicing yoga, on and off since I was 18 years old. I fell in love with it! and ever since then, I was always interested in taking a 200-hour teacher training. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher but never had the guts to do it. When 2020 arrived, I knew this was the year I was going to make it happen. And I did. I graduated August 15, 2020. I am now a certified teacher! Just saying that brings happiness all over my body. 

My 200-hour yoga teacher training with “In Yoga Collective” was a beautiful and much needed experience. I learned so much with this training. One thing that I learned and was able to overcome is being able to speak. Being able to use my voice. To trust it. I get lots of anxiety especially when it means I need to speak in front of others or even having to teach in front of a class! But with this training I was able to do so. I was able to be on my mat and guide a class and it felt amazing. Amazing to be able to serve people and share the gift of yoga! Since this was an online training, I became more conscious with what words I would use and how I was cuing. Making sure that everyone is understanding the pose and how to get into it. 

During this training, I was so honored to have connected with like-minded souls, my wonderful amazing teachers! One teacher in particular, Amy, which is also the founder of “In Yoga Collective”, she has been such a great mentor during and after my training. I am grateful to have cross paths with her and to have had her as my teacher. I learned so much from each teacher and each one was so kind and patient. Thank you to all the teachers that helped guide me through this beautiful journey. I am grateful for you. 

Now that I am certified, I can share the tools I have learned with everyone. I want to be of service. Sharing my story of being a person with so much anxiety to now accomplishing one of my biggest goals, being a yoga teacher. Mediation was one of the tools that helped me get through some anxiety I had as well as practicing pranayama (“breathing techniques”). 

Yoga is such a beautiful way to be in tune with your mind and body. And guess what? Yoga is for every body! I am now interested in going further into my studies and I am planning to begin my 300-hour yoga teacher training in 2021! This whole journey has opened so many doors and I just want to continue to learn and be able to share all the tools that helped me, with you. 

I hope to see you on the mat and guide you through the beautiful practice of yoga!

Find me on Instagram: @yoga.with.evelyn